Spiral system inspection

All machinery needs to be maintained to keep things moving efficiently, and spiral freezers are no different.

Inspecting, maintaining, and repairing spiral systems is an important part of running a constant operation.

Proactive repairs

Spiral freezers are often left without maintenance for long periods of time, which can result in significant defects, necessary repairs, and greater costs in the long term.

And that’s precisely why we take a proactive approach to your machine maintenance. We have the skills, experience, and insight to conduct inspections that ensure any issues are rectified before they become any worse.

Downtime that’s unplanned and not scheduled is incredibly frustrating. It means your business isn’t productive, your staff are demotivated, and you’re not delivering for your clients.

And most importantly, you’re losing out on money.

Our regular Full Machine Inspections are an essential part of maintaining the health and longevity of your spiral freezer.

By conducting a regular inspection, you can avoid having to deal with some of the most common problems – whether that’s:


Your machine becoming dirty and unhygienic


A fault in the belt which is causing products to become misaligned


Belt tension which can cause the belt to lift 


Your machine not achieving the correct temperature


Cold air escaping from either infeed or discharge apertures

And more than anything, inspections give you peace of mind that everything’s working and you can keep delivering for your clients.

Korutek Spiral Favicon

All of our full machine inspections include:

  • A 29-point check on your conveyor system
  • An 18-point electrical check 
  • A 13-point check on the enclosure 
  • A 7-point check on the belt washer and defrost system
  • Additional checks on air loss, overdrive and belt hold downs

And once we’ve completed the inspection, you’ll be provided with a full machine condition report. It will include any recommendations on your machine, all categorised in order of urgency.

On-call, when you need us

Your spiral freezer is integral to your business.

Because spiral freezers are constantly in operation, it’s important to get up and running as soon as possible.

That’s why our engineers are on call 24/7 to keep things running smoothly – we’ll carry out an on-site inspection to identify the problem and wherever possible try to rectify the issue, then and there.

As soon as you get in touch, we’ll prepare a quote and get in touch with you via email – so you exactly what you’re getting and what the price is.

System inspection enquiries

For more information on our Spiral Freezer Inspection Services, give us a call on 01603 672 455 or make an enquiry below.

Spiral Freezer Inspection Questions

Korutek Engineering Services