Reliability is everything – but don’t just take our word for it…

Aug 13, 2022 | New Systems, Inspection | 0 comments

Being able to rely on your spiral freezer is critical to the success of your business.

It’s something that everyone in the food production sector has in common and it’s why we make it our main priority – reliability is everything.

It’s the reason why our Compact Spiral Machines are fully automated, too.

Because that allows for continuous production, which brings down the cost per unit of any frozen or chilled products, as well as improving both the quality and consistency of products.

If you’re wondering how… it’s because the Compact Spiral Series works by blowing cold air over the products to remove heat quickly and efficiently.

As a result, food products are being individually frozen or chilled at their freshest, locking in peak nutritional value and keeping their consistency even after they’ve been defrosted by the consumer.

CLICK HERE to find out more about our Compact Spiral Series

We’re global leaders in the spiral freezer sector and we’ve helped many clients address key issues and find the right solutions for their food production needs.

One of our clients, a global bakery business, came to us looking for help to overcome a problem that was causing issues in their production.

The solution was two-fold – an existing machine required modification to be used for a different product and the client needed to address future production requirements.

Among the solutions, we identified key areas to improve, including:

  • Increasing production capacity.
  • Installing a new control panel to control the function of both machines to save time walking between two panels and ensure everything is in sync.
  • Adding a more advanced belt and track cleaning system.
  • Increasing the tier height to fit a new product.
  • Ensuring an old machine is fit for purpose again.

The build of a second spiral freezer was an integral part of the process and despite unforeseen delays during the shipping of parts due to Brexit and the COVID pandemic, we were able to mitigate these thanks to agile and intelligent project planning.

The modifications and build were all a success and we’re delighted to continue our working relationship with the client as we ensure their updates are carried out and their operation continues to move smoothly.

Want to read more about this case study? Click here to read the full case study on our website.

If you want to find out more about our Compact Spiral Series, hit reply or give us a call on 01603 672 455.

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Get in touch

If you have an existing freezer system that requires servicing or maintenance from technical specialists or you require a completely custom machine made to fit your space, contact Korutek Engineering today.

Korutek Engineering Systems

Korutek build spiral freezers and chillers for the biggest food manufacturers around the world. If you’re looking for a team with a global reach that is able to provide industry-leading design and build services, contact Korutek today.

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